Sunday, November 28, 2010

Video Blog 1

Hey guys, first video blog super pumped!! So tell me what you think. P.S. the website is

Sunday, November 7, 2010

New Look

I was just playing around and I saw this great template tell me what you think.

Halloween for Hunger

Hey guys, this Halloween I sent out flyers to everybody on my street to tell them that I was trick-or-treating for canned food and non-perishable food items. I got an amazing outcome every person that I went to gave me 1 or 2 cans. I had one lady who went to the store just to get 2 full bags of baby food. I also had a lady who gave me an industry size bag of rice. Everybody was calling me a canned food girl. It was so great. I collected 117 items I was so happy. Just yesterday my dad and I delivied them to the Daily Bread Food Bank. The drop-off zone that we went to was our local fire hall #321. I am going to send out a flyer saying thank you to all the people who gave me food. I was also thinking that went it gets cold I do another drive and I say that I will be out form 2 till 4 collecting cans outside my house, and every person who gives me a can will get a free cup of hot coco. It felt so good giving back to the community.